Information About Dr Stowman’s Practice

What ages of clients does Dr Stowman see?
Dr Stowman sees clients of all ages, from pre-school age through adult. Clients are screened to see if they are appropriate for telehealth and a good fit for Dr Stowman’s practice.

What form of treatment does Dr Stowman provide?
Dr Stowman sees patients through telebehavioral health, which is a secure video format that is HIPAA compliant. Sessions must be completed through the secure platform and not through Skype, Facetime, or another similar non HIPAA compliant video system. Dr Stowman provides individual and family therapy sessions in this format. Dr Stowman does NOT provide couples counseling or substance abuse counseling. 

What if I don’t have insurance or my insurance won’t cover services by Dr Stowman?
Dr Stowman accepts cash pay patients. Please email for the session fees. Please note insurance coverage varies for therapy services by policy. Please check your individual policy for specific coverage.

What methods of payment does Dr Stowman accept?
Dr Stowman accepts credit cards. Payment for sessions must be made at the time of service. 

General Information

What is a psychologist?
A psychologist is a licensed professional who holds a doctorate degree in psychology and is qualified to provide therapy and administer and interpret psychological tests.

Is a psychologist different than a therapist?
Yes. A psychologist holds a doctorate degree (PhD or PsyD) and is qualified to perform therapy AND psychological testing. A therapist generally refers to an individual who is licensed at the Masters level and is not qualified to conduct psychological testing.

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist?
A psychologist has a PhD or PsyD and performs therapy and testing. A psychiatrist has an MD or DO and is qualified to prescribe medication for psychiatric conditions. Generally, psychiatrists do not conduct therapy.

Do psychologists ever prescribe medication?
Only specially trained psychologists in states that allow prescription privileges may prescribe medication. Psychologists in Nevada, Arizona, and Wisconsin are NOT allowed to prescribe medication.

How long is a session and how long does therapy last?
An individual or family therapy session is generally 45-60 minutes in length. In times of crisis, extended sessions may be necessary. Shorter sessions are not usually recommended. The length of therapy will vary by individual and area of focus. For some people, brief therapy (3-6 months) will be sufficient for improvement of symptoms. Others may need more extended treatment.

What if I don’t “click” with my psychologist?
A good relationship with your psychologist is vital. Given the nature of therapy and the topics covered, it is important to feel safe in the environment. However, it is important to remember your psychologist is not your friend, but rather someone to assist you with skills and techniques to confront symptoms and difficulties. As some topics will be difficult to address, the relationship between you and your psychologist may feel strained as you may be hesitant to make changes. It is important to discuss these feelings. If you continue to feel you do not “click” with your psychologist, it is possible that a referral to someone else is in your best interest. Your psychologist will be happy to discuss other options and referrals with you in the event you feel continuing with  her is not in your best interest. If your psychologist feels you would benefit from a different provider or different type of treatment, they will discuss this with you as well.

Does insurance cover seeing a psychologist?
Each insurance plan is different. You should call your insurance company to discuss what specific behavioral health services are covered by your plan. When speaking to the insurance company, you may want to inquire if your policy covers individual and family therapy sessions and how many sessions are covered each year. If you have a specific provider you want to see, you should also ask your insurance company if that provider is approved under your policy.

Is my information kept private when I see a psychologist?
Law requires that your information be kept private when you seek psychological care. However, there are limits to confidentiality, this includes instances where there is a reasonable suspicion of child abuse or elder adult abuse, reasonable suspicion that you present a danger of violence to others, and reasonable suspicion that you are likely to harm yourself. Your psychologist may also be compelled to release information by a court order. You may also authorize your psychologist to disclose your information. For example, in order for your insurance company to provide payment, you must sign a release that certain information be provided to the insurance company.

If a psychologist is seeing my child/adolescent will she tell me what they talk about in session?
Confidentiality is an important component of therapy. While legal guardians have the right to request records, it is important to first discuss with your psychologist the potential consequences of obtaining these records. For some children and adolescents, knowing their parents have access to their records may impede their progress and decrease their motivation. Each psychologist has a different policy regarding disclosure to parents/legal guardians of session contents. This policy should be discussed during your initial session.